Monday, June 8, 2009

What do they mean in marketing terms by localisation of emails, in an email campaign?

I guess this means tweaking your campaigns to ensure they will work in each country , what does this pratically involves?
What do they mean in marketing terms by localisation of emails, in an email campaign?
f the administrator customizes any one of the account email settings in /admin/settings/user, the subjects and bodies of all of them get frozen to whatever language the administrator has selected at that instant.

This is especially problematic for the password recovery e-mail. If a user is used to interacting with a site in their preferred language, password recovery e-mails in a different language will be confusing and may even get reported as spam if they come unexpectedly (DoS attack).

I'll post a feature request to ask for a more comprehensive solution, but in the meantime there should at least be a warning on the /admin/settings/user page to alert the admin to the consequences of customizing any of the messages. Since the drupal module is not active by default, and many admins may choose not to activate it, they'll want to remove the note about the Drupal ID, and they probably won't realize that this breaks the localization of the password recovery e-mail.
biblical name

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